Great Earn Together (GET) 偉大的一起赚計畫

GET is an essential component of our referral system, designed to foster community mutual aid and collaboration among participants. GET是我们推荐系统的强大组成部分。它旨在促进参与者之间的社区和互利。

1:Invitation Code System 邀请码系统:

To join the ApeXpal community, individuals need to enter the invitation code of an existing member. This code creates a direct link between the new member and their inviter. The person entering the code is called the "invitee," while the one providing the code is known as the "inviter." This system establishes a network of interconnected users, each with the potential to increase their earnings. 要成为 ApeXpal 社区的一分子,个人需要输入现有成员的邀请码。此代码在新会员与其推荐人之间建立了直接联系。 输入推荐代码的人被称为“推荐人”。另一方面,其代码由其他人输入的个人被称为“推薦者”。这建立了一个相互连接的用户网络,每个用户都有扩大其奖励的潜力。

2:Income Boost of Invitation 用户和推薦者的增益收入:

When users spend ApeXpal tokens, a remarkable thing happens. Both the user and their inviter experience an increase in income, thus boosting their overall earnings. 当用户花费 ApeXpal代币时,奇迹就会发生。在这种情况下,用户及其赞助会员在增益中的收入都会增加,从而提高了他们的整体奖励。

3:Duration of Boost 增強收益的持续时间:

The enhanced earnings effect lasts for 7 days, with the possibility of stacking days. During this period, both the user and the inviter benefit from this collaborative arrangement. 此增强的收益机会持续 7 天,且天数可以疊加。在此期间,用户和推薦者都从这种协作努力中获益。

4:Invitation Special Treasure Chests 邀请得特殊宝箱

Both the user and the referrer have the chance to obtain valuable treasure chests, which may contain consumables, tokens, equipment, or even postcards. 用户和推薦者都可能得到价值不菲的宝箱,宝箱可能开出消耗品,代幣,裝備,甚至明信片等等。

GET embodies the great spirit of shared success within the ApeXpal community! By introducing new members through invitation codes, both users and referrers can enjoy higher income. Remember, to make the most of this feature, ensure that the invitee has a qualified pet. Let's elevate the ApeXpal experience together, celebrating our collective growth and prosperity. GET体现了 ApeXpal 社区内共享成功的偉大精神!通过推荐代码介绍新会员,用户和推薦者都可以享受更高的收入体验。请记住,要充分利用此功能,请确保受邀者拥有符合条件的宠物。我们共同提升 ApeXpal 体验并庆祝共同成长和繁荣。

Last updated