Twitter Chest 推特宝箱

In ApeXpal, Twitter treasure chests are a special reward mechanism filled with surprises and valuable items for you and your pets. Here's how it works:

Every day, you can open treasure chests on Twitter by replying to tweets, discovering exciting rewards for you and your pets.

在 ApeXpal中,Twitter 宝箱是特殊的奖励机制,里面装满了给您和您的宠物带来的惊喜和有价值的物品。它们的工作原理如下:

每天您都可以在 Twitter 上通過回復文章來開啟宝箱。可以为您和您的宠物发现令人兴奋的奖励。

News Feed 新聞源

When browsing the ApeXpal Twitter news feed, keep an eye out for random articles containing hidden treasure chests. These articles are gateways to potential treasures.

Treasure chests may contain:

When you open a treasure chest, you can expect to find valuable items such as:

Tokens: Tokens of significant value in the ApeXpal ecosystem, possibly Ap or Ag.

Consumables: Essentials to keep your pets well-nourished and healthy.

Equipment: Equipment that can enhance your pets' work efficiency and attributes.

当您浏览 ApeXpal 的 Twitter 新闻源时,请留意包含隐藏宝箱的随机文章。这些文章是通往潜在宝藏的大门。



代币:ApeXpal 生态系统中具有重要价值的代幣,可能是Ap可能是Ag



Balanced Rewards 平衡奖励

The rewards in treasure chests are carefully designed to enhance gameplay. As your pets' intelligence increases, the contents of the treasure chests may vary to maintain fairness and interest in the game experience.

Therefore, keep a close eye on the hidden treasure chests in tweets. Each chest is an opportunity to enrich your pets' lives by providing necessary items and tokens, which will help them grow happily in the ApeXpal world and earn more profits for their owners.

With these powerful features, ApeXpal redefines the virtual pet ownership experience. By leveraging the potential of blockchain, it ensures the security, transparency, and authenticity of all interactions. Join ApeXpal and become part of a community that celebrates the joy and rewards of virtual pet companionship.


因此,请密切关注 Twitter 文章中那些隐藏的宝箱。每一个都是一个机会,可以通过必要的物品和代币来丰富您的宠物的生活,这些物品和代币有助于它们在ApeXpal世界中的快乐的成长,为主人获得更多的利润

凭借这些强大的功能,ApeXpal 重新定义了虚拟宠物拥有体验。通过利用区块链的潜力,它保证了所有交互的安全性、透明度和真实性。加入 ApeXpal,成为庆祝虚拟宠物陪伴带来的快乐和回报的社区的一部分。

Last updated