Travel & Adventure 旅行和冒险

Your pets will not only work in the mine, but now they can also go on travels and adventures, which is a new way for you to obtain rare equipment and tokens. After your pets have been mining in the mine for a while, the travel & adventure function will be unlocked. Your pets will carry the funds you provide, travel around the world, and even to outer space and other dimensions. Traveling to farther places will bring back rarer items. 您的宠物不仅会在矿场工作,现在他们也可以去旅行和冒险了,并且将是你赚取稀有装备、代币的新方式,当您从矿场挖矿一段时间后,旅行和冒险将被解锁。宠物将带着你给它的盘缠,去往世界各地甚至外太空与异次元旅行,在越远的地方旅行带回的物品将会越稀有。

The following factors will influence the items brought back from the trip 以下幾個因素將會影響旅行帶回的物件:

Equipment: The attributes of the equipment will affect the pets' base attributes, thereby indirectly influencing the composition of the gift package at the end of the trip. 装备: 装备的属性将会影响宠物的基础属性,间接关系到旅行带回的礼物包组成结构。

Consumables: The attributes of consumables will affect the pets' satiety level, directly influencing the time and distance they can travel. 消耗品: 消耗品的属性将会影响宠物的饱腹值,直接影响你的宠物能够去到多晚的地方。

Luck: Luck will directly affect the composition of the gift package and whether a postcard is brought back. 幸运值: 幸运值将直接影响你带回的礼物包组成结构,以及是否能带回明信片。

Satiety level and consumption rate: These two indicators will directly determine how far the pets can travel. 饱腹值与饱腹值消耗速率: 饱腹值与饱腹值消耗速率将会直接关系你的宠物能够去到多远的地方。

Travel Achievements 旅行成就

Pets will occasionally bring back postcards through mail or by themselves. Each postcard will provide a small attribute boost and can be stacked. Let's collect postcards together! 偶尔宠物会寄回或着带回明信片,每张明信片都会有小的属性增益并且能够叠加,赶紧一起搜集明信片吧!

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